Training Women in Leadership & Youth

Training Women in Leadership & Youth

ACTIL provides core courses in diverse areas including:

  • Transformational Leadership as the foundation course for all courses. It aims to unlock the potential of participants to transform themselves and to become catalysts of change in their spheres of influence.
  • Agribusiness Development: Aims at empowering leaders with knowledge and skills on gender-responsive and successful agribusiness strategies that move farmers, especially women, beyond livelihood to wealth creation and business leadership, while accelerating local and national economic growth and development.
  • Women’s Political Leadership: Aims at equipping aspiring and current female political leaders with knowledge and skills for transformational and inclusive political leadership, as well as the necessary tools needed to run successful campaigns and to be effective once elected.
  • Women’s Leadership in the Public Sector: Aims at enhancing the competencies and skills of women leaders holding critical decision making capacities in government to enable them excel in result oriented leadership that is gender responsive and transformative, through a training approach that combines experiential learning, executive coaching and mentorship.
  • Women’s CorporateLeadership: Aims at equippingwomennotjusttosurvivebuttoexcelinthecorporateenvironment at senior management and board levels.
  • Youth Leadership Development for Transformation: Aims to empower young leaders to take initiative in transforming their own lives and their communities; their engagement in broader societal change and decision making and drive innovation in the corporate and public sector.
  • Gender Responsive Policies, Planning, Budgeting and Performance Management in national institutions: Aims at enhancing the competencies, knowledge, and innovative strategies of policy and decision makers in ensuring that national and local policies, strategies and plans fully address gender dimensions as a solution to accelerating development results.

Tailor-made courses are also available for institutions on demand.

Course structure Courses are in three parts over one year: Each of these courses is structured into four (4) stages as follows:

Stage I: Face to Face intensive workshop at the ACTIL at Kenyatta University.

 Stage II: 12 months practical implementation of personal and institutional success plans (under mentorship and coaching, on site assessment and support)

Stage III: Report writing and assessments

Stage IV: Follow-up workshop at ACTIL for sharing of experience and certification. ACTIL courses lead to a certificate from Kenyatta University. The Africa Centre for Transformative and Inclusive Leadership (ACTIL) is committed to developing transformational, change-making leaders that Africa needs, particularly women and youth. Our leaders value gender equality and women’s empowerment, and understand how gender equality can move Africa towards a sustainable, successful future. Undertaking a comprehensive ACTIL course will set you on a life-changing path to inspire other leaders, be a change maker in your community or workplace, and join an alliance of African leaders who will transform politics, business and society for the benefit fall. We encourage governments, international, regional and national institutions, as well as private sector and civil society organizations to support their staff and leaders to study at ACTIL. It translates into your organization contributing to building leaders that can transform workplaces and whole societies. Get involved.